Day 778

This Golden Boy has "The Look." His 'look' announces to the world that he is kind and gentle. Today, at Mercy, people would approach with only one question..."May I pet him?" They all seemed to know he was safe and harmless. He simply exudes love.

There have been people in my life who share Ranger's "look." These people radiate kindness and a welcoming persona. Immediately drawn into their 'ring of warmth,' I know I am safe in their presence. My heart feels at peace.

After a few moments of contemplation, it would seem to be the eyes of these individuals that draw me in. When you look into someone's eyes, their inner-most-being is revealed.

Eyes can look wary, shy, aggressive, angry, cloaked and a host of other emotions. They can also shine with love, compassion, acceptance and kindness. The latter ones beckon me right in.

The love I see in the eyes of my Goldens is something I might hope to copy. However, it is a challenge to mimic that look unless it comes from deep within. The lesson here is to be more Golden-like on the inside and your eyes will be mirrors of that goodness.


Day 779


Day 777