Day 771

Sometimes you anticipate an event that fails to occur and other days you are surprised by something unexpected! This morning, when Lilly visited Walker, she slowed down by the dining area in hopes of her favorite treat...bacon! Nobody seemed to notice her, so she slowly sauntered down the hall to the elevator...looking hopefully over her shoulder more than once!

After a lovely visit with a senior friend, we headed down the stairs to sign out. Approaching the exit, we both heard a frantic, "Lilly!!! Wait!!!!". Turning around, we were SURPRISED to see the head cook running our way...waving bacon in the air! Lilly was beside herself with joy!

There are times when you anticipate an event, but it simply doesn't come to fruition. Other times, you find yourself in a position of shock when a surprise is sent your way. Perhaps the old saying, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched" applies to anticipation and surprises. For Lilly, she anticipated, gave up and was eventually pleasantly surprised with her goal...which was bacon!


Day 772


Day 770