Day 769

Nobody, NOBODY ever wants to be left behind! When we start to pack for a trip Up North, the Goldens become excited. As we pack the car, they start to get anxious. When we are all packed and the back hatch is open (Lilly and Ranger enter by ramp through a side door.), they are desperate to join us! Nobody ever wants to be left behind or forgotten.

There are times, in everyone's life, when we have no choice in the matter. Others must leave and we cannot follow. When we lose a loved one, when someone moves far away or when a variety of other life events occur, we find ourselves in the space they vacated. It is not always easy, but life moves on.

Some might believe that the "vacancy" is soon filled by a myriad of people and happenings. They would say that the one who left will soon be replaced. For me, that is not the case. Although life flows on, that loved one still resides in my heart, so I carry them right along with me. Often, I am stronger and kinder on my journey since the loved one would expect that!

Hopefully, we can often "jump in the car" and accompany loved ones. However, when we are unable to be part of the adventure, we wave good-bye and know we will see them way or another.

In the words of Stitch, "'Ohana' means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."


Day 770


Day 768