Day 694

Making 'To-Do Lists' is one of my simple joys! Writing that daily missive is almost as much fun as crossing out the completed task! It is what's in between that can sometimes be unpleasant. For example, cleaning out the filters on our mini-splits, trimming back the hydrangeas and a couple more onerous jobs made the list today!

At our daily Morning Meeting, I found myself telling Mac that I HAD to get these things done. However, walks took precedence, so out the door we went. It was far into my second walk when my old adage hit home: I don't HAVE to do those tasks, I GET to do them. It was Gus's sweet face that reminded me that you can find joy or gratitude in the most annoying jobs.

Walking my Goldens is always a joy, so Gus (walking beside me) led the way for a more positive attitude as the remainder of the day loomed. Seeing friends at Walker with Lilly and watching Ranger work his magic at Mercy Hospital also made my spirits brighter. However, that list greeted me when we returned home!

With my attitude adjusted, I started to look for the positive sides of each job. The filters were being prepared for air conditioning! The hydrangeas meant spring was right around the corner and my second Golden walks were full of bird songs and cumulus clouds...a joyful sign that summer is out there somewhere!

My list is complete with every line crossed off (I absolutely love that part!). My attitude is sunny and my heart is full. Every single 'have to' turned into a 'get to' on this spring day. Tomorrow, I will start my day out with a list where, even though there might be some challenging items to cross off, they all have a bright side to discover!


Day 695


Day 693