Day 689
These two are inseparable! Not only do they adore each other, they often get into mischief as a team. Just today, they seemed a bit too quiet in the sun room. Upon investigation, a pillow had been dismembered and fluff was floating around the room like snow! Gus had the decency to look ashamed while Sam showed no remorse at all. In the picture, Gus was trying to convince me of his innocence while Sam played the part of a precious angel. I assured Gus that I knew who the guilty party was!
Today, at Oxbow, we shared a new book about retired Minnesota Twins player Joe Mauer. "The Right Thing to Do" is a picture book about Joe's life and how he always tried to do the right thing. The students were avid listeners and the discussion that followed was rich and pure. Although not always successful in their attempts, children DO know the right thing to do. Their sincerity was humbling.
Adults know the right thing to do. The older we become, the easier it is to do the right thing. As a younger member of society, peer pressure and lack of wisdom could tempt me to choose otherwise, but I believe my choices were always based on kindness...empathy grew each and every year and helped me make better, kinder decisions.
Knowing the right thing to do and following through with your heart seems to find a home in empathy. As we get a bit older, we have experienced so many situations that can help us understand and choose wisely with others' hearts. We have been in their shoes.
Those children knew the course to kindness and will continue to choose the right thing to do more often as they learn to empathize with others. Gus and Sam are not quite there yet, but Lilly and Ranger seem to have achieved that level of caring. In Sam's defense, he is still learning right from wrong...he will get there before we know it...he is, after all, a Golden! In the meantime, I will keep the pillows out of reach!