Day 685

As families gather for Easter celebrations, there is a good chance those returning home might just glance up at the water tower overlooking the football field. For me, that landmark has long been a sentinel of my life.

When I was young, I would look out my window at the tower and believe it held all of the water for our town! It cast its shadow as I learned to ride my bike across the street in the church parking lot. It probably shook its head when the neighborhood gang climbed over the barbed wire to run laps around the field and it remained vigilant at night when I slept nearby.

When the band marched down the field, I could almost imagine the water tower swaying in time to the beat of my drum and it probably cheered when the Tornadoes made a touchdown!

Graduation night perhaps found it puffed up with pride as yet another class graduated at Goodrich Field. Year after year, graduates said farewell to the security of school and headed off to parts unknown, all within the watchful eye of the tower.

Later in life, when my sweet father was fighting health issues, we would go to the base of the water tower to draw fresh water out of a spigot. This clear liquid did not yet have the chemicals we hoped were causing him to fail. Although it wasn't the cure, it felt like the giant was trying to help.

Now, as I walk by this icon each day, I embrace so many memories. Some are bittersweet, but most warm my heart. Although I am personifying this mighty structure, I can't help but feel it has a life force within. It has been witness to many of the biggest events in my feels like a friend. Today, as I looked up at that tower, I got the distinct feeling it was nodding approval at my Goldens...who make this world a sweeter place. As I turned to go, I almost thought I saw the O in Anoka wink at me! I'd like to think it was not just my imagination...


Day 686


Day 684