Day 665

This little girl took her turn at the vets today! We had our slumber party last night, with five or six adventures outside, and snuggled in-between. We decided that she shouldn't have to have another rough night so headed over to Champlin. Nobody likes to go to the doctor... especially dogs, but our caregivers are kind, loving and smart. They figured it out in a few minutes...even though they took us during the lunch break.

Now, on antibiotics AND probiotics...go figure...we are hoping she has a better night! After offering to sleep downstairs with my pillow clutched close, she insisted on going upstairs for her usual routine. Sweet Girl...never anything but a wagging tail!

Tomorrow, Lilly has a date over at Walker for a visit. Since she needs rest, relaxation and grooming, it just might be Mr. Gus who walks through the door! Knowing he is ready and hoping the inner-puppy doesn't emerge, we will head on over and let him charm his way through the halls. Now, all I need is a story to go along with his walk across the skyway. A bevy of seniors keeps watch over Anoka from that vantage point. They always inquire about Lilly's living arrangements. Lilly is believed to have an apartment on top of City View...The Penthouse! Perhaps Gus can be her butler? Fingers and paws crossed that all goes well!!!


Day 666


Day 664