Day 662
As I sat down to share my thoughts today, there was a frightening interlude akin to an earthquake, tornado or severe thunderstorm! All four Goldens came at me on the run with Ranger in the lead. He took a flying leap and landed in my lap with his front paws attempting to hug my neck. With 100 pounds squirming in my arms, the other three were in close pursuit! Calming them, to the best of my ability, I tried to figure out what was going on!
There it was!!!! A beep from one of the smoke detectors!!!! The sound that can send my Goldens into a literal frenzy! I dug my way out from under Ranger, waded through the other three and finally pinpointed the "Monster!" With THREE furry, very concerned faces cheering me on, I grabbed a battery and changed it out. Crisis over ...or so I thought! It was the wrong detector! Nearby, the nasty scoundrel continued to taunt us. This one was attached to the security system, so when I gently took it off the mounting, the security panel began to scold me. Assuring the company that we were OK and simply attempting to change a battery, the cacophony stopped!! Whew! I needed a break and decided to figure out where that fourth face was.
Searching the house, I found 'Gus Gus," our fragile flower, hiding what he could fit of his body, under a living room chair. He was shaking like a leaf and refused to emerge. When the panel started beeping again (to remind me that I hadn't rectified the situation) the rest of the pack flew to Mama for protection! Ranger back in my lap, Gus under me, Lilly and Sam trying to get close and me buried in Gold.
Then, I heard the back door open! It was the Cavalry, the National Guard, John Wayne and so much more wrapped into one wonderful person! Mac had returned from the VA and now we had a chance of survival. He ran out to get some unique batteries and, together, we gently inserted them into the errant detector!
Whew! All that because of a "beep!"
I can't wait for the first thunderstorm!!