Day 656

Our Lilly just received her TDIEVA Award from Therapy Dog International! Basically, it recognizes 350 + visits in her career. Ranger 's Award arrived months ago as Sweet Lilly had some "down time" due to back and leg issues. Once she healed, she was back in the saddle and going strong! We are so proud of both Goldens!

When I look back on the hundreds of visits, and include our dear Arthur's awards, it seems unbelievable that we have entered that many venues over the years. Although some of the memories have become distant, there are so many that have burrowed into my heart forever. To name a just a few...

*Lilly finding the police officer's wife (snuggling into her arms) in a mass of humans who were waiting to hear how the officer's surgery went

*Ranger at an end-of-life visit in ICU. The patient passed within the day, but told everyone who would listen about this amazing Golden who spent time and love with him.

*PHP, where Ranger comforted a young patient and later we discovered he bought a Golden to be there like Ranger...we are still friends

*Ranger and Lilly being awarded an international award for the QCTV documentary entitled "Walking With Goldens"

*Lilly choosing to sleep on our Harmonica Man's feet at every visit...making him one of our beloved friends

There are thousands of beautiful memories and I get to watch each one unfold. They are such a gift to this world...especially mine.


Day 657


Day 655