Day 655

Being a little under the weather today, I received a first-hand experience of "Therapy Dog Love!" Never leaving my side, all four were touching, nuzzling and watching me throughout the day. Never being one to sit for long periods of time, my four decided something was up and they "dug in" for the duration. Special pups...

My day was so much better with their furry faces looking in my direction. Taking turns, they sat beside me, came close for some Golden ear rubs and never left my side. When others tell me how calming and day-changing the mere presence of these furry angels can be, today was my day to experience it first hand.

When we teach our class in the Partial Hospitalization Program, we go over the research (regarding basic body responses...heart rate, breathing, mood-changing and so much more), stories about how comfort animals can change lives and the patients' own experiences with pets making a difference. It all rings true on so many levels.

Today, I asked myself, what is the bottom line? For me, it is their devotion and unconditional love. All four share that on a daily basis, but today I got to sit still and watch them in action. We don't really deserve such adoration, but receive it just the same. Like the magnet on my refrigerator says, "Let me be the person my dog thinks I am"...nearly impossible, but what a goal!


Day 656


Day 654