Day 653

Lilly is my empath. She can walk into a room and zero in on the person who needs her love the most. When we go out Therapy Dogging, there are days when the need is high and Miss Lilly never disappoints.

Today, we had the unique honor of stopping by to see one of the most loving of families. Gathered around their beloved wife, mother and grandmother, they were gently keeping watch as their matriarch moved on to the next adventure. The love in that room was humbling and the picture of that love in my mind will never be diminished. Lilly felt the need and, although we chose to stay but a few moments, we both hope it helped the family.

What goes into the devotion, love and connection that was palpable in that room? From what I know, this lady's devotion, humor, goodness and kindness were a large part of what knit the family together. As we moved on to other rooms at Walker, my heart stayed right there with that family. It was beautiful.

We can only hope to make such an impact in our lives. As the saying goes, "it's hard to see the forest for the trees." That could certainly pertain to a person's day-to-day, year-to-year life as they balance family, job, relationships and every-day challenges. Focusing on today takes precedence over the big picture of a life well lived. What I had the privilege to see this morning was a lovely lady who had planted, tended and loved her forest of life. There was no question of the love in that room. A life well lived indeed.

So tonight, Lilly is spending some time under the dining room table as she begins to fill up her Golden self with more love to give. On days when she connects with those in need, she gets to come home and get some extra attention and love for her own furry self.

My Therapy Dogs and I get to see some of the most beautiful moments in life. Celebrations, good-byes, fears, challenges...but most of all love. So glad my Goldens can be there to help and allow me to tag along at the end of the leash.


Day 654


Day 652