Day 642

Whenever we come home, there are faces in the window! Tonight, Ranger and Sam were our vigilant guards as their ferocious barks turned to happy whining when they recognized their folks.

Returning home after a year, a vacation, a college semester, a day or an hour never ceases to warm my heart. Over the years, we have always had beloved dogs who truly believe that we are their entire life. What a wonderful homecoming.

Throughout time, I have returned home after various lengths of absence. Always, there were four-legged greeters and family members with welcoming paws and arms. The feeling of being back in your safe haven is one to treasure. Those of us lucky enough to have that door open to warmth and love rarely take it for granted...I know I don't!

During the Viet Nam Era, service members returning home were sometimes not met with open, loving arms. My husband, Mac, has told me heart-wrenching stories of his return and the reception he encountered. Name-calling, threats and other unnecessary cruelties were often hurled at that particular group of soldiers upon their return. Misinformation and a climate of angst might have been the culprit, but my heart still goes out to those soldiers.

Knowing some of the stories of their return to the states, I have made it my goal to welcome them home...even if it is more than 50 years later. When I recognize a Viet Nam Era soldier, I say, "Thank you for your service and Welcome Home." These 70-year-old plus gentlemen are often surprised and taken aback. Always, they thank me profusely and often I can detect a tear in their eye.

So, as we were welcomed home tonight by our beautiful Golden Welcoming Committee, I feel grateful and loved. Hopefully, most everyone feels a bit of that emotion when they return from their journey...including our Military Heroes.


Day 643


Day 641