Day 64 Pt. 2
Some days are for relaxing and taking time to smell the roses.
Today seemed like it might just be one of those days!
Those who know me best would say, "Relax, smell the roses? Not possible for this girl!" I have a real reputation for perpetual motion and goal setting. I love lists! I love to make lists! I love to check off items on those lists! Move over, Energizer Bunny!
It is hard for me to relax for more that a minute or two. Wherever I sit, I see something to do and accomplish. I have a hard time prioritizing. I tend to start a project, move on to something I see that needs attention during the first project, return to the original job and get side-tracked again and again. The good news is that I do finish most everything I focus on during the day. Fans of Disney's "UP" would put me in a category with Doug. "SQUIRREL" is noticed and we both go in that direction!
This day, I tried to take a cue from Ranger. He can find a comfy spot and fall asleep in moments. I compared the two of us and decided that my golden boy has fewer worries. I am trying not to make a list here, so I will share his concerns: Eat! Drink! Go outside! I, on the other hand, can create things to worry about with ease!
Worrying is such a waste of time! My college roommate would tell me that the time I spent worrying could never be reclaimed. Almost every worry never became a reality, so I HAD wasted all of those precious minutes.
My new goal is to be a little more like Ranger. When "Worry" rears its ugly head, I am going to attempt to push it aside and focus on the things that matter and are under my immediate control. That way, I can remain in the present and accomplish more on those lists! I sense a circle story forming here.
Make a list.
Accomplish #1.
Accomplish #2.
Accomplish #3.
Oops...try to stay focused and in the moment.
Maybe I need to make a list!
The real wisdom of Ranger is that you shouldn't worry about something you have no control over. It simply is a waste of time. I will try to follow his example. I might even make a list of things NOT to worry about, but that would negate the process.
1. Be more like Ranger! That is the only list I need!