Day 633

This boy has allergies! When he was a pup, his red eyes and itchy skin sent us to a canine allergy specialist in Burnsville. Without any sedation, they placed him on an examination table, shaved his side and proceeded to inject 57 allergens under his skin. With Mama at his side, he stoically made it through the entire procedure without a whimper. With more than a few sets of watchful eyes, we waited to see if any of the injection sites looked suspicious. The results were fascinating!

Ranger is allergic to:

1. Human dander (He is allergic to me!!!!)

2. Corn dust from the farmers' field

3. Linen fiber

And that's when the doctor began to laugh! He announced that our Ranger is allergic to CATS! Sure enough, that injection site displayed quite the reaction!

Today, he went to get his allergy shot, which disconnects the brain from the itch, and he is a content, happy, non-itching Golden!!

Thank goodness for modern medicine!!! Ranger would agree!


Day 634


Day 632