Day 620
Miss Lilly is our "Senior-Loving Girl!" Almost all of her visits are with senior citizens and she knows how to work that crowd! Today was our time at Norbella and the love flowed both ways for over an hour!
We are always escorted by the Activities Director who is about the sweetest person around. She is adored by the residents, their families and staff alike. We always start with a few moments where Bethany gets down on the floor to love our girl. Then it is off to Memory Care.
Today was a special day and one I will never forget. As usual, the residents were gathered around the fireplace waiting for Lilly to arrive. When she appeared, their voices rang out in greeting and many knew her name. She stands near each one so a loving hand is always stoking her back or head. Sometimes there are tears, as they remember dogs they have loved...always, there are smiles.
One of our Memory Care friends has issues with being touched. Her past included working for the military, training dogs for special missions. Her spirituality is present at every visit and she always reminds me that her own "spirit animal" is the hippopotamus. (Her husband's was a tortoise.) We joke about hippos and I have learned a great deal about the mighty beast. As my friend would tell you, they are the deadliest animal in the jungle!
Last night, I went in the basement and dug through my vast collection of Beanie Babies. It wasn't long before a hippo and a tortoise surfaced. Placing them in a brown paper bag (labeled: "Love, Lilly"), I took them to the visit today and presented them to our veteran. Not sure how she might react, I was humbled by her response.
She picked the two stuffies out of the bag and looked at me in shock. Still not knowing whether this was going to be a positive experience for her, I said, "Those are for you. They are from Lilly and myself." This is what followed as our friend embraced the moment:
She said,
"You DO know that the hippo is my spirit animal, right...and my husband's was the tortoise? Well this is just about the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. I will keep them close, love them and honor them. Thank you, thank you!"
Then, she asked me to come close and bend my head over to her. Knowing that she has an absolute aversion to being touched, I wasn't sure what to expect. To my amazement, she took my head in her hands and kissed the top of it. Her words brought tears to my eyes...
"Bless you, 'Peakenhead'. That's what my grandmother always called me."
With tears still in my eyes, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. And to think people believe that Therapy Dogging is all about giving to others...however, being on the receiving end of all that love fills my soul.