Day 612

With four Goldens, and a very over-protective Mama, we basically have the veterinarian's number on speed dial! At their end, they probably say, "Oh, it's THEM again! How many are they bringing in this time?" Actually, we all get along very well and we love our primary doctor!

Today, it was Ranger's turn to head in for a "not-so-routine" exam. Our boy has developed a growth in his ear canal that looks like something from outer space! Last checked in September, I was positive it had grown and needed to be addressed! My amazing husband and calming vet assured me that it had not expanded in size at any great speed. Although slightly larger, it is still on a "watch mode" with our doctor assuring us that it is more of a nuisance than a concern. Whew!

Although Ranger was less than pleased to walk into the clinic, he perked right up when the treats started flowing. Poor baby...poor Mama! I was fighting tears for the entire appointment and those Milk Bones started to look good even to me! I tend to think the worst in these situations. Relief and gratitude are two strong emotions and I am full of both for our boy this afternoon.

Why is it that many people, including "The Queen of Worry," head into situations with dread and concern. Thinking about the worst-case-scenario, instead of embracing trust and faith, seems to be the road most traveled. My dear college roommate would often remind me that worrying robs us of moments in our life. Wasting time worrying could be used more productively, yet "Worry" is my middle name.

Like Ranger, who did not look very happy about being in the exam room, I should try to not think the worst. He was a bit on edge, but was not worrying about that ear in the least. Dogs are great models for living in the moment and not being concerned about the "what ifs." My goal is to try to be more like my dogs in that way and cut down on my worrying heart. Like one of my favorite poets, Robert Frost, I should take the road less traveled and throw "worry" aside.

Now, if those in control of the situation would simply offer me a caramel malt or some popcorn while I wait for a prognosis, that might just be the ticket. Ranger would agree after having about a dozen treats or so!


Day 613


Day 611