Day 6
Today, we had a double header! Lilly went to a senior residence and then Ranger went to the local hospital. They were both rock stars!
Lilly greeted everyone on her walk through the hallways. She met her "favorite" friend up in the game room and settled down with a couple of treats and a wonderful visit. Heading back down, her senior friends seemed to almost whimpered with delight when they saw her. Everyone along the way reached out and felt that golden fur.
Quick switch of the collar, bandana and name tag as Ranger had a quick grooming and off we went again. Entering the hospital, we were bombarded with affection from the staff and volunteers at the Main Desk. After many wiggle dances and a special greeting from his most beloved volunteer (Daddy), we headed off to see where we were needed most.
We had only gone a few steps when a young man asked if we could visit his wife up on 3rd floor. We got permission and headed up. The patient was brave and strong, but we could tell she was really hurting. She kept reaching for Ranger and thanking us for coming as he just leaned into the bed until the visit ended.
On to other patients and then the surgical waiting room. Ranger met a young cancer patient who was starting radiation soon, an elderly gentleman waiting to go back in to surgery and a host of others. He worked his charm and everyone seemed calmer when we moved on. The smiles warmed my heart.
Our final visit was with a lady who was waiting for her mother to get out of surgery. It turned out that she was a teacher north of town, so we compared notes on teaching in the past (me) and the present. Ranger snuggled right in while I listened to the challenges and hardships this educator experienced each and every day. She was sitting with her computer working on lessons for the next day and told us she would never give up on her students. I was impressed and humbled to hear her stories and realize she was making such a difference in so many young lives...even if they didn't seem to know that at their young age.
My amazing husband brought a person down in a wheel chair and saw us visiting there. He told the educator how much he appreciated teachers and nurses and gave her one of his famous silver dollars. He hands these out to medical and educational personnel and tells them to tuck it away and know that someone appreciates them. The teacher started to cry and thanked all of us for being there for her.
This is why we love volunteering...especially with a golden at your side.