Day 5
As I walked Gus and then my twins (Lilly and Ranger), it occurred to me that we all had a different perception of the world around us. Lilly and Ranger take everything in their stride and are seldom surprised by anything. I am continuously in awe of everything around me while I ponder life and Gus is simply excited by EVERYTHING in his path.
Gus has a disability. Due to an accident when he was a puppy, he lost the sight in his right eye. We left no stone unturned in our attempts to reverse this unfortunate turn of events, but finally had to believe one of the top canine eye specialists around. His optic nerve had been severed. We took that truth in and decided to love him just a little more and protect him from the bumps and bruises ahead. (He tends to walk into a lot of things both mobile and stationary.).
I watched our boy today and tried to see things through his one good eye. Here we go:
"A leaf! I have never seen a leaf before!"
"Was that a dog barking? I don't think I have ever..."
"SQUIRREL!!!!" (Out take from "Up", channeling Dug!)
"People! I love people! If I just sit here and look cute then they might pet me? Nope! Gotta jump!"
"A stick! A rock! Must chew both!"
"Oh! Big dog approaching! Must hide behind Mama until he is gone! Nope! Must jump and play bow!"
"I think Mama needs her shoe lace untied! Yup! That's fun!"
This all happened in the first block! Gus takes in the world around him at light speed. Hopefully, he will slow down a bit and be more like his siblings down the road. On the other hand, maybe the rest of us need to speed up and love life to its fullest at warp speed. There are just so many gifts to embrace in this lifetime we have been given.
Whatever speed you travel, try to be as excited as Gus is with the world around him. Tomorrow, I plan to walk, think and react a bit faster! After all, I don't want to miss anything! Thanks, Gussie!