Day 587

Our hearts are full and blessings abound here at the Big White House on the hill. The Goldens have each had their two walks for the day and are curled up in front of the fireplace...except for Sam who is nosing around for something exciting to do or eat! We have had wonderful, meaningful times with our family, with more to come tonight and tomorrow. Each time I look around at those faces...both furry and not...I can't help but feel my heart overflow.

Glancing through Facebook just now, there was a post about a dear friend who is in the hospital with heart issues. We also have a friend battling cancer at Mercy. Others are greeting this Christmas without a certain loved one at the table for one reason or another. Although it does not dull the joy in my heart, it makes me realize that many are stoically facing this holiday season with bravery. My heart is with them this Christmas Eve.

As one gets older, it is hard to make a Christmas gift list. We typically have everything we need or want. My children asked us what we would like for a present this year. Although we came up with a few items, the realization sank in that we have everything we need...everything. I am not talking about things that can be wrapped or delivered. I am talking about those faces (furry (and not) that grace our home this Christmas. Tonight, along with holding others (who are fighting battles of their own) close to my heart, I will simply look at those faces and know what gifts I already have.

On this Silent Night, where there seems to be such a thin line between our reality and the mystical realm we only slightly understand, the feeling of love permeates our lives. Hold it close.



Day 588


Day 586