Day 579
Devotion is often earned, but this boy seems to offer me his immeasurable love...whether earned or not!
Sammy is now almost 1 1/2 years old. This pup came to us through DoubleW Retrievers (Best Breeder EVER!) in Kenyon, MN. We were able to follow the entire pregnancy and birth of all ten puppies. After they were born, there were daily live streams and videos that shared their development. Cassie Puppy Mama, as we lovingly call the breeder, had a behaviorist come in to evaluate the puppies for future goals. Of course, we wanted a Therapy Dog so Red Collar was chosen for our family.
This boy has more energy than he knows what to do with...just ask the school crossing guards, but he has a heart of Gold. He is our "muddy digger," "paper shredder." "bathroom buddy," "Lilly's worst nightmare" and "Gus's best friend." Training has been going well, but the Zoomies come upon him suddenly and he reverts to puppydom once again. I wouldn't change a hair on his big head.
His devotion to me is unwavering. It humbles me and makes me try to get inside his brain to see why his world revolves around me. In the final analysis, it might simply be that we are two of a kind...endless energy, endless love and devotion.
Devotion is a funny thing. Often it is earned over years of being there for someone with a focus on support, fulfillment of needs and love. Once earned, it is not easily lost...but sometimes people fall of that white stallion because we are human. It is my goal and sincere hope that I never fall off that stallion for our Sammy.
Right now, I guarantee that he is waiting not-so-patiently at the bottom of the stairs as I write this. Even though there is absolute devotion, separation can make a guy do crazy things. Perhaps I will discover my mitten half-chewed or my mail shredded. That is OK because one look in those eyes makes me melt and love him just a little bit more than I did a moment before.
Here is to all the Sammy's in our lives. Try to stay on that white horse but, if you should slide off a bit, they will forgive you because devotion is a strong part of the heart. Being on the receiving end of that love is a beautiful thing indeed.