Day 479

Today was a milestone day! Our sweet Asher went to kindergarten! Of course, he attended preschool for two years, but this was different. This was huge! I had the privilege of taking his little hand, walking through the door, handing him off to a kind para and walking out the door in tears. (I held it together until I was out of sight!.) This was his first huge step into independence...a world of his own where we can only be on the sidelines cheering. This Nanny heart was proud, but hurting.

The same is true for the Goldens. While diligently training Gus and Sam to become Therapy Dogs, I realize that Lilly and Ranger will jump in the back of the Subaru less and less. Their semi-retirement is looming in the distance and their little brothers will be amazing at filling those huge pawprints!

Rights of passage, ends of an era, swinging doors that open to change and is part of life, but not always easy on the heart.

There have been numerous "opportunities for growth" in my life. Some good, some challenging, but all found me on the other side of that swinging door in one piece. I once bought a shirt for my son-in-law that said,

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...except bears...bears will kill you!"

It was an inside joke, but the first part rang true. Changes in our lives offer opportunities for growth. Choosing a different fork in the road than we anticipated can find us excited, frightened, sad, lost or a multitude of other emotions. With each new leg of the journey, we can choose to grow or retreat. Unless it's a bear, the best choice is generally to face the new day with resolve and conviction... approaching life with the sun continuing to rise.

Putting one foot in front of the other in joy or trepidation is my style. At least there is forward motion. Now, in the case of Asher...I hope the world slows down just a little for this Nanny heart.


Day 480


Day 478