Day 471

As I sit on the front porch of The Big White House, there are two beautiful 'beings' in front of my eyes. One is the glorious Super Blue Moon while the other is my Gus. Both have a golden glow, but only one passed his Obedience 2 course!

Being proud of that one-eyed wonder may sound like a doting parent, but he worked so hard to achieve this certificate.

My own children, and now Asher, have always made me so proud of their accomplishments during their formative years. Academics, band, drama, name it...I was front and center in the cheering section. Even though I never lived vicariously through their achievements, I was thrilled at the way their self-worth sky-rocketed when they realized success. Watching our children (and pups) grow and succeed is a true joy!

More than that, I have watched my children become adults who make this world a better place. Awards, accolades, letter jackets and trophies pale in comparison to a person emerging as a kind, compassionate grown-up.

Although it can be a challenge for me to accept praise from time-to-time, I absolutely relish watching it offered to others. To witness what actually seems like an individual literally glowing, standing up a bit taller and discovering another piece of their self-worth is one of my favorite pastimes!

So, be it child, dog, family or friend, don't be surprised if my heart glows right along with your achievements. There might even be a tear in my eye if the accomplishment just happens to make the world a better place to live!


Day 472


Day 470