Day 455
This boy is such a wonderful guy! Although he has been dealing with tummy issues, he has never once complained! After two days (and three sleepless nights for this Puppy Mama), we decided he needed a bit of assistance. Off we went to the veterinarians' clinic for some help and guidance.
Of course, Mama was beside herself with concern and lack of sleep, but Ranger walked right in and placed his Therapy Dog mantel on with ease. The first person he was able to charm was an amazing tech named Gabby. She walked in, he "waggled" over and the loving began. Dog and human spent a calming session on the floor with nudges and kisses from Ranger. Gabby countered with ear scratches, back massage and belly rubs. There was a chance he might just decide to stay!
Next, the doctor arrived with the best news a concerned dog parent could hear. With some medicine and a bland diet, Ranger should be fine within the week! Through my sleep-deprived, overly-concerned Mama Mind, the relief was physical...I had to hold back tears.
Relief is such a wonderful phenomenon. After building a situation up in your mind and heart, with every possible outcome, when the good news is delivered, it becomes an emotional reaction. It is as if the tightness in your chest suddenly evaporates and breathing becomes easy once again.
The question that I have pondered over and over again is, "Why do I always fear the worst" when confronted with the unknown? Health issues, dogs escaping, children list could go on forever!
The best answer, after so much deep soul-searching is twofold in my opinion.
1. Adrenaline builds up and your worst fears catapult you into action.
2. Fearing the worst prepares you to face the worst.
Now, the first one, I can embrace wholeheartedly, but that second one needs some "tweaking" at best. My college roommate pointed out that ALL the time spent worrying could be used in a more productive manner. When relief hits, and the worst did NOT come to be, all that worry time was utterly wasted. Wise words indeed!
So now, this Puppy Mama is full of relief and gratitude for an easy fix regarding our dear Golden. There will also be a future effort to ATTEMPT a less Doomsday Reaction to future concerns. We shall see...that is a tough goal for any mother!
With Ranger (Lilly, Gus and Sam) asleep at my feet, I hug my feelings of relief close to my heart...along with gratitude for the road to a healthy pup.