Day 447
Being up at the cottage is a new experience for all of us...four-legged family members included! Last night, I awoke to a furry face inches away from my nose! Realizing it was Miss Lilly, I reached out to scratch her ears and leaned over for a kiss on her head. Then I watched and waited.
Assuming she was trying to tell me something, I sat up and observed her meanderings. It was a relief that she did not head for the door. Going outside in the dark is not one of my favorite adventures! When any of them request a late-night "break,” I am always happy to accommodate their needs, but I always hope they are not needing that encounter!
Our sweet senior did not seem to need an escape to the outdoors...whew! She slowly walked over to get a long drink of water, walked into the living room to explore and then sauntered back to our bedroom door. There, she plopped down, facing me, and shut her eyes to continue her slumber.
Even though the three boys were snoring away peacefully, sleep escaped me for the moment. Why is it that the mind starts to wander down darker alleys than they would during broad daylight? Although a few concerns darkened my drowsy door. (Did I answer those pertinent emails? Is Gus going to be too cold with the fan blowing directly on him? Will it rain tomorrow, so I won't worry about watering?) However, the one that took hold was a need to install the smoke/gas detector lying on the kitchen counter. If I had the ability to do it myself, I would have been up and working away on the project at 4:30 in the morning! However, it was almost daybreak, so I decided to put it on my list of things to remember.
When the sun rose, my concerns of the night before seemed more manageable and not so scarry. This is not a new phenomenon, so I should be able to convince myself that night concerns are so much more daunting and vivid! Believe me, I have tried that tactic and it doesn't work!
What DOES work for me is to block the concerns with a focus on counting my blessings...a nod to the movie, 'White Christmas.” I actually visualize and count the gifts in my life and, before I know it, I have soothed myself to sleep and probably encouraged beautiful dreams.
Watching Lilly finally settle down last night, I wonder now if she was "counting her blessings" as well. She certainly slipped quickly into a peaceful sleep. Tonight, if I awaken and start frothing about things I cannot control in the middle of the night, I will remember Miss Lilly and count her as the first blessing in my list.