Day 429

What makes a "Safe Place"? If you were to ask Sammy, the cottage shower is the best place when fireworks light the sky!

All four Goldens search for a safe place now and then. Given a choice, there would ALWAYS be one of their humans right beside them. Lilly hides under our legs, Ranger under a table and Gus simply follows us within touching distance. Their fears could easily be explained with words, but they can only understand our actions.

There are only a few places that feel safe to me these days. With the world swiftly changing and the news media "sharing" so much fear, some of my "Safe Places" no longer feel safe. Even though there are spaces in my home where I feel secure and calm, even that could change suddenly.

With the realization that a safe haven can suddenly be on shaky ground, I had an epiphany of sorts. My "Safe Place" is not found in a physical place, but surrounded by those I love. No matter where I am, or what I am doing, if I am with loved ones, my fears are calmed.

We are not so different from our canine family members. Our one true advantage is speech. Sharing fears through words can uncover misunderstandings, illuminate truths or simply highlight options. When someone else shares your apprehensions, they are already diminished by half.

With the Goldens, I can only comfort their fears with soft words and loving arms. Of course, there have been times when I need to offer that solace under the table, on a doggy bed or even in the shower! They are worth every moment!


Day 430


Day 428