Day 421

Trust is a gift that can be given or received. It is a precious, fragile thing. Once a bond of trust is formed, one must remain vigilant to keep it strong.

Today, we took our Sam in for a pre-op appointment for his surgery next week. Here, at "The House of Goldens," we try not to use the six-letter word (neuter) in the presence of our males! At the clinic, our wonderful tech, Ben, suggested that we stay in the waiting room and that the blood draw, weight, etc. would take only a moment. That sweet Golden boy looked at me for direction and then wagged his tail through the door and down the hallway.

When he came out, he frantically jumped into my arms and looked at me as if to say, "Now, I am safe." I was humbled.

Being trusted is an honor and a burden. When my children were small, they would look to me for direction and security. Of course, there were times when it seemed I let them down...vaccinations, tough love, boundaries and other unpopular actions were viewed as traitorous in nature. That is the burden portion of being trusted. Doing something for the good of a loved one can be challenging at best.

Addressing the part about trusting others is a more visceral experience. Most all of the trusted people in my life have never let me down...or if they did it was by accident or special circumstances. The very few times my trust was betrayed was painful. However, dealing with the aftermath was illuminating and evolved into life lessons. Dealing with this human reality eventually evolved into a stronger, more empathetic core.

Being trusted is never something to take lightly. Whether it is a friend, family member, colleague or beloved pet, once the trust is broken, it takes some doing to rebuild that framework. It has always seemed more prudent to try everything in my power to keep the trust of those who rely on me.

So, I look into the eyes of my not-so-little Sammy and know that his trust in me will continue through thick, thin and neuter. Our bond is strong and, somewhere deep in his amazing heart, he knows I can be trusted beyond measure.


Day 422


Day 420