Day 42
Today, Ranger was a movie star! We were joined by Cory Laing, of QCTV, as we journeyed down to our favorite senior residence to visit with some very special people!
We first spent time with Sonny, who is just about as charming as anyone can be! His sweet wife is in Memory Care and his devotion to her humbles me every time we visit. He was not nervous about the camera or microphone and even knelt down on the floor to give Ranger a belly rub! A visit with Sonny is a gift each week!
Next, we visited Lyle. An incredible educator for over 30 years, this man even has a library named after him! During our time together, I asked him what he thought might be the biggest challenge for children today. He thought for a long moment, then said, "I believe they are growing up too fast. They are not ready to leave childhood behind, yet they are pushed, by their peers and media, to leave the innocence of youth behind." Our visit was rich and meaningful and Ranger soaked up the love...offering it right back to the man in the chair.
Corey is working on a documentary about dogs and how they enrich our lives. On our walk home, he assured me that the visit was amazing! Later, he shared that the film footage was simply wonderful. Just a few more Hollywood Moments and he can start working on the editing and revisions.
I am certainly not one to have a desire to be in front of a camera, but I am pleased that Ranger, and all Therapy Dogs, are getting some exposure. They certainly make the world a better place and Corey is making sure people know it!
When visiting with these two stellar human beings, I totally lost sight of the camera and microphone. It was just a regular visit with Ranger offering love, our elderly friends receiving love, and me soaking up the wisdom and beauty of the meeting. I always feel as though I am the real winner in these situations.
Seeing our mission through someone else's lens will be a new experience. I am so connected to the moment that I can't look at the bigger picture. I do know these dogs make the world a better place! Now others will realize their gifts as well. Thanks to Corey for sharing their story!