Day 401

It has been one of those weeks that had so many ups and downs. There were family gatherings, cottage time, precious times with dear friends and Therapy Dog work. There were also some sad times with the loss of a friend and the support of her spouse. All in all, it was a great week, but the emotions tended to swing on the pendulum from one side to the other in wild arcs!

One of the consistent joys and comforts was returning home to our four Goldens after each venture out into the world. When we return, Lilly and Ranger are very excited with tails wagging and heads nudging. Gus tries to find his way into our arms through the maze of fur and eventually gets his affection. Sam is another story! He is BESIDE HIMSELF with love and need. Jumping, crying, flinging himself on the floor at our feet and doing ANYTHING to get our undivided attention. It is a zoo!

This evening, after they all calmed down after we returned from an outing, I looked at their sweet faces and thought how fortunate we are to be welcomed home by such a whirlwind of love. Then I focused on Sam and suddenly realized that, although the others miss us and want to be with us, Sam actually NEEDS us in a deep and visceral way. Unlike the others, who take us for granted now and then, this boy centers his very existence around our affection and attention.

As I got down with our little guy to rub that tummy, I began to think of people in my life who have that affect..."needing" them near instead of simply wanting them close. At first, I thought it might be a very short list, but then, my heart examined a number of people who are close to my heart. Surprisingly, there were more than just a few people who I "need" much like our Sammy.

"Needing" those special people to make my world whole means that they nurture my heart. They are the ones who are always there whenever I need them. They are my cheerleaders when I am in doubt. They let me know, in so many ways, that their love is abundant. They are simply oxygen to my heart.

Hopefully, like Sam, everyone has that cushion of loved ones who make them feel necessary, adored, appreciated and loved. With that blanket of people we "need" in our lives comes a real responsibility. Not only do we have the chance to return the abundance of giving they offer, but we also strive to live up to their hopes and dreams for us. It is a wonderful opportunity to attempt to be the best we can possibly be.

On the refrigerator, there is a sign that says:

"Please let me be the person my dog thinks I am!"

I could add another magnet that might say:

"Please let me be the person my loved ones believe I am."

Then, if I ever let that inner circle of "needed" individuals down...I will just go to Sam and know I am, at least, on the right track!



Day 402


Day 400