Day 390
These boys simply love each other! All of our Goldens, even Lilly, show concern, affection and love for their fellow pups. It is a beautiful thing to behold...and they don't even need words to communicate!
Thinking about their attachment to each other, it struck me that humans might have a more difficult time showing others their feelings without the use of words. Language is certainly one way to show what is on the inside!
The Goldens have no words, but share their affection and, yes, angst, by body language, "dog talk" and proximity. The wagging tail, the body nudges and "kisses" tell their siblings that they matter. A low growl (Lilly Girl) might send the message warning the boys to stay away from HER bone! No matter what the communication, the others seem to understand.
For humans, language can be a blessing or a hindrance. If words come easily, and the tone/body language match, others will understand our intent. When someone greets us with a hug and kind words, we know we are accepted and welcomed.
There have been one or two moments in my life when the actual words sent my way sounded warm and inviting, but the tone and body language spoke volumes in another direction. Everyone encounters "mixed messages" in their lifetime and it is often confusing to choose the true meaning.
What if we all took a lesson from our canine pals and offered and received honest reactions. Since dogs are unable to use words, there is no misunderstanding the meaning of any communication they offer to fellow dogs. The world would be easier to navigate if all interactions were honest, sincere and direct. That would be a challenge with the human propensity to say what they might not truly mean.
On the other side, honest reactions and words might hurt someone's feelings, undermine confidence and a host of other horrible consequences. Hurting someone on purpose is certainly not one of my habits! For me, as long as nobody gets hurt, I plan to remain as honest as possible with my words, body language and reactions. Since I don't seem to have much of a "bark," my "bite" people around me are pretty safe!