Day 366

Beginnings and endings...we all experience them over and over throughout our lives. This morning, we dropped sweet Asher off at Zion Lutheran Church for his last day of preschool! We have loved every moment of his time there, but now he moves on to Kindergarten!

My own beginnings and endings are numerous, but perhaps fewer than most. I spent my teaching career at one elementary school and have lived in the same home (or next door) for my entire life. Many people move frequently and change jobs a few times in their lifetime...not me. I loved my school and I adore my home, so change hasn't been a big part of the journey.

However, there have been beginnings and endings in less obvious ways. For my Goldens, we have met and adored many seniors and faced grief as they left this earthly world. There have been a few different elementary schools, where they share their listening ears to young readers, but they adapt easily. The hospital is a veritable flurry of change. The pups seem to roll with different people each week, but still miss a couple staff members who have taken new positions...especially the ones with a treat drawer!

It seems to me that the Goldens face change with little effort. Of course, there is an initial confusion, but soon, it is their new normal and they accept that. I could take some lessons from those big dogs regarding "letting go" and "accepting a new reality".

Even though my life has been quite stable with jobs and housing, there have been a few beginnings and endings that have thrown me for a loop. Losing loved ones, starting as a professor at a different university, marrying my dear Mac later in life and starting my Therapy Dog work have been real "game changers" as I began each new venture. Full of trepidation for some, and deep gratitude for others (Mac), has been an interesting experience for me. Whether I faced them with a nervous heart or a full one, they all turned out to be wonderful avenues for me.

Perhaps, the Goldens have the right attitude all along! Simply face each new adventure with an open mind and, if something is different, "shake it off" and accept the new exploit with open arms (or paws). It is something to think about and work towards!

For now, I think I will enjoy where my journey has brought me as of today. Tomorrow, I might just accept new adventures and mentally "shake off" any worries or concerns. If that doesn't work, I know of a few amazing Therapy Dogs who can make everything better!


Day 367


Day 365