Day 361

Did you know that paper poppies have been worn since 1921 to commemorate military veterans? Today, we had the chance to see a few of those red tokens passed out at a lovely concert at Walker Senior Residence.

Upon entering the front door, numerous people asked me where Lilly and Ranger were today! I responded by saying that it was very strange to NOT have a leash in my hand, but that we were here for the concert (I didn't want the dogs to upstage the show!). Before heading down to Memory Care, we took the elevators up to gather one of the musicians and all of his harmonicas.

It seemed fitting that Mac had procured a baseball cap with our harmonica-playing, amazing friend's Naval ship on the front. Don actually had tears in his eyes as he accepted the gift and thanked us profusely. It was a military day all around!

Next, we descended with Don, and all of his musical necessities, to the concert stage where his friend waited at the keyboard. The entire memory care, along with others who had joined the festivities, was in for a treat! Songs from the WWll era were the biggest hits and many in the audience sang along, clapped and tapped their toes.

As I listened to my favorite harmonica player, my eyes wandered around the room. My view was full of beautiful people who were enjoying each and every song. More than that, these individuals (in their 80's, 90's and 100's) displayed their years with grace and dignity. I looked from face to face and wondered what their lives had been before arriving at Walker.

I am sure there were professional people, farmers, homemakers, business owners and a plethora of other occupations. More than that, they were mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, sisters and brothers and even someone's child long ago. Most all of them are loved, I am sure. It was humbling to be in their presence.

So each week, with Lilly or Ranger at my side, I am blessed to hear some of their stories...all of them rich and fruitful in their history. Most smile when they talk of days-gone-by, but others wipe a tear from their eye as they remember spouses, children, siblings and even beloved dogs who are no longer with them. What a gift to my ears to have them share their hearts with us. Lilly and Ranger are always the best of listeners and share a nuzzle or paw when it is most needed.

Our friend, Don, was a star today! We were able to honor his military history, his musical talent, his charm...but mostly his wonderful spirit and heart! He is loved by so many. I am fortunate enough to be one of those who gets to share in that love!


Day 362


Day 360