Day 351
"Creature Comforts" must have gotten that name from golden retrievers! My four have every creature comfort available. Included in their lives are the best beds (sometimes even the human ones), the best foods, the best medical care...basically the best of everything! We even subscribe to Dog TV on cable! Yes, it is a real thing and a bit addicting to the humans in the house as well!
Today, at the hospital, we approached the stairway from the parking ramp and Ranger stopped in his tracks. He looked at me and then looked at the elevator behind us. After a bit of gentle coaxing, I realized this boy knew a good thing when he saw it! To the elevator and down we went!
Creature comforts are not just for Goldens. I take so many of them for granted, that I had to stop for a moment and make a list:
*Backup cameras in the car
*Alexas around the house to answer ANYTHING at ANYTIME
*Heated towel warmer (Now I just sound spoiled!)
*Computers instead of paper/pencil (I do still love that form of communication.)
*Electricity, heat, air-conditioning, washer/dryer...
*Cable TV
*Phones, emails, Facebook!
*Doggy hair dryers and washing wands
The list could go on forever! I am indeed spoiled by the Creature Comforts surrounding me.
Growing up, we did not have many of the luxuries from that list. Instead we had:
*No seatbelts or air-conditioning in the car.
*Nothing to fact check other than encyclopedias
*Warmed towels on the radiators
*Ringer washing machine and clothes hung on the line
*Party line for our phone
*Four or five channels on the black and white TV
The list could go on and on. However, back in my childhood, we didn't miss what we couldn't yet imagine. We were warm, fed and loved. That was enough. There was really nothing we longed for that couldn't be found in the 'Sear's Wish Book' each Christmas. Otherwise, we were satisfied with what we had.
In today's world, it is easy to confuse wants and needs. For me, my needs are always met and the "wants" are icing on the preverbal cake! For Ranger, his "wants" ARE his "needs" and he usually gets whatever he wants! He is worth it!!!