Day 317


Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Being married to one of those veterans has changed my life in so many ways. Gratitude that he lived, pride in his service, embracing humbleness for all our veterans and their unselfish service to protect our safety and empathy and for what the Vietnam Veterans endured.

Last night, we got a message from a good friend of my son Jimmy. Chris Provost, a well-known Disney vlogger with over 184,000 subscribers throughout the world (Provost Park Pass), let us know he was in D. C. and heading to the Vietnam Memorial. We tuned in and were touched beyond words.

Chris asked us to send him the name of the man who saved Mac's life and, ultimately lost his own protecting my medic husband and the patient he was helping. We sent him the name, Christopher Hayes, and the information to locate him on The Wall.

As thousands watched his vlog in the dark of night, our friend found the panel and line where the name of Mac's friend is forever carved in black granite. As Chris Provost touched the name, he began to weep. His words were tender and loving as he thanked that man and all the others on The Wall. I am certain that there were many tears spread throughout the world at that moment...all for a 19-year-old boy who gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country.

Thank you to Christopher Hayes who chose to give up his own life so that others could live their lives.
Thank you to my husband, Mac, who saved more than a few lives during his tour of duty.
Thank you to all the Vietnam Veterans who went over to serve. As the years go by, you are all honored, understood and loved more and more.

Welcome Home...Welcome Home.


Day 318


Day 316