Day 310
Today was a travel day for this Golden Mama. I am sitting in Burbank, California thinking about my pups (and Mac). I miss them so, but I am very happy to see Jimmy!!!
When Mac got home from the airport this morning, he said all four pups acted like he had been gone for months! Poor babies! I often wonder if they get stressed out and feel abandoned. I wish we could simply tell them that we will be back and not to fret.
Traveling by myself is not one of my favorite things to do. It can seem lonely, but there are always others who are willing to chat in line or on the plane.
As our flight was ready to board, a nice gentleman noted that more than half the plane loads before the general boarders. It was true and, as he continued lamenting that fact, my group was called. We laughed together in camaraderie and, as I headed for the jetway, he said, "Have a good life." It may have been a 'throwaway line', but it resonated within me.
I will never see this man again and his impact on my life was minimal and brief. However, he connected on a human level when he didn't need to. I believe he simply wanted to feel like someone was near and listening.
So often, that is all people be seen and know someone hears them. With that realization, I believe I will make the effort to acknowledge strangers more often. I realize now that moment meant something to me as well. I didn't feel so alone.
As for my Goldens, they model the act of including people to the max! They seem to help everyone they encounter feel like part of their world. What a wonderful goal for me to incorporate into my daily life!