Day 291


Asher and his entourage went to the Lincoln Elementary School Carnival tonight. It was a wonderful event with amazing volunteers, hot dogs and games galore! The only thing missing was a kissing booth with a golden retriever inside! I know Ranger would have readily volunteered!

As alumni of this school, both Katie and I were flooded with memories of our time in this building. Walking down the hallways and descending into the cafeteria stirred our senses and I could almost smell that bologna sandwich in my lunchbox from my childhood. As I pointed out my various elementary classrooms to Katie, Mac and Asher, (In Room 104 there once was the best second grade experience EVER...right Jan Johansen?), I could almost feel my mind slide back in time.

The walls, doors and flooring were built to last and they have stood the test of time. The hallways have shrunk (Perhaps I am just taller?), the lighting is more environmentally friendly and the additions flow effortlessly from one space to another. I even had the wild urge to run up the stairway to the playground after we ate our supper in the basement cafeteria! However, something was different.

Of course, there were a waft of joyous children playing games and seeing friends. There were also a few more colorful paint selections throughout the corridors. Those cosmetic changes were not the reason for my shift in perception after almost 60 years. It took me a bit, but I finally recognized the difference.

This school was full of life! From the artwork, to the classrooms full of opportunities, to the very air within the building. This was a place were children could learn with joy and engagement!

Back in the early 1960's, our beloved 2nd grade teacher, Jan (Moen) Johansen, was WAY ahead of her time. She remains my favorite teacher for many reasons. She recently told me she had to do away with worksheets that year because, by the time the last student had sniffed the ditto aroma from the paper, the first student was handing in the finished product!

It was a year full of science, plays, art, music, hatching chickens, joy and so much more! Thank you, Miss Moen! Outside of that year, we learned in spite of the worksheets and became successful citizens. It's just that it wasn't as fun and engaging as the ambiance I felt tonight!

So, even without a Golden Retriever Kissing Booth, it was a wonderful evening. I came away feeling gratitude for all of the loving parents, youth and educators who volunteered, feeling humbled for the love I witnessed within the families and a real excitement for the children who get to experience this space each school day. Lucky Asher!

I also took a long look at my old second grade classroom and felt a deep thankfulness for a young teacher who taught outside the box and made that year incredible and memorable. I don't know Jan...they might just need a fantastic second grade teacher right now! You would fit right in!


Day 292


Day 290