Day 280
This place is becoming our second home! Both Gus and Sam are taking obedience courses at Cloud Nine and the learning is abundant! Tonight was Sam's turn!
Gus and Sam came into this new experience and reacted quite differently on their first night. Gus (1 1/2) had the "growls" until he decided everyone was safe. Sam (7 months) became agitated and tried to crawl up in our laps. It could be the age difference, but I think it is more personality differences. It is all a learning experience for everyone...especially the trainer!
Thinking back to new experiences in my life, I was different from both of my boys. A new job, a social gathering, a new college experience and most every other first day found me to be rather quiet and reserved. Once I got my footing and fell into the routine, I could open up and relax.
Of course, there are times when you have to walk into a new venue and take command. The first day with my elementary students, introducing one of my college classes to my masters students or taking my dogs to obedience training. In these instances, I had better look like I have a command of the situation!
We all react to the uncertainty of a new situation according to our personalities and past experiences. I often envied those who would barge in with confidence and an air of leadership...that was never my style. Hopefully, assessing the ambiance in a "first" time at anything helped me to be successful within the group.
As for Gus and Sam, they are already finding their rhythm. Hopefully, they will emerge as valedictorians!