Day 279


There are times in everyone's life when you attend an event for the sake of someone very special. Even if you would have rather been down the street at the Blake Shelton concert, ending up at Monster Jam was the venue of the night! I believe I watched grandson Asher more than the big rigs on the floor of the U. S. Bank Stadium!

Asher LOVES monster trucks! As the "Hey Nanny" of a grandson, I am well versed in the names of these vehicles and have spent countless hours racing them down tracks. Do I like monster trucks? They are OK, but the real draw is that precious boy! He lives, breathes and wades through these trucks every day and I am right at his heels!

We all choose to do things for others as a selfless gesture. Sporting events, shopping, unique restaurants, your poison...we have all tagged along to allow a loved-one to enjoy an experience. Living vicariously through their joy makes it all worthwhile.

There might be some who believe I venture out on Therapy Dog visits with the same motive. Making a selfless gesture for the happiness of those we visit might be seen as the reason for our mission. I never have seen it that way and here's why...I get more from those interactions than the people we see! My heart is warmed by the genuine appreciation for our visit and the love showered on my Goldens. It must be one of the best gigs in the volunteering business!

Back to the Monster Jam last night, I can't help smiling every time a memory surfaces from the evening. Most center around Asher, but there were also some other heart-warming sights. I was with my dear daughter and her amazing husband. My other sweet grandmother-in-crime tagged along. Wherever I looked, there were families, much like our own group, who were there for the sake of a monster truck-loving child! The love was palpable!

Now, if I can just get my hearing back, all will be well! Go Grave Digger!!!

P.S. In the picture, he was watching the HUGE screen right behind us! He didn't know whether to watch the real thing or the instant playbacks!!!


Day 280


Day 278