Day 267
Minutes after this picture was taken, our little Sammy went out in the back yard with brother Gus. After a bit, I called them back in and they came tearing up the steps, barreling through the doggy door. Gus was the picture of perfection and licked my hand as he sped by. Sam licked my hand too, but was COVERED with mud from head to foot!!!!
I didn't get a picture of our little guy with his black coating, but I did get the bath started right away. I kept thinking that the frozen ground of winter was preferable to this melting monstrosity out our back door. As much as I love spring, I was not a fan at that moment!
After the little guy was toweled down and snuggled up for a nap, I headed outside to see the damage to the yard. I was stopped in my tracks as a low-flying bird swooped in front of me. Could it be??? It was a robin! I held my breath as he landed on a branch in the front yard, making sure my eyes had not deceived me. Sure enough, there he was in all his glory! Suddenly an entire flock of these harbingers of spring flew right over my head! I was spinning around like a little child trying to take it all in!
Suddenly realizing I had gone from disgust (for the melting snow/mud) to elation with the appearance of my red-breasted friends, I took a moment to process those emotions.
At times, I tend to be quick with a reaction or an emotion to a situation. Muddy Sammy brought my displeasure with the slight change in the seasons, while the robins created so much excitement in my heart. Can you have it both ways?
Well, in any situation, there will be positive AND negative occurrences. Taking the good with the bad is something with which we are accustomed. Now comes the real test of human nature. Do we focus on the good or the bad. Sometimes, it is not a real choice, but most of the time we can choose.
The recommendation here is to choose the good. Sam was cleaned up in no time and never lost his sweet spirit during the de-mudding! The robins...well those robins brought me so much joy and hope for the warm weather to come. Today I chose to focus on the good and beautiful. I am setting that as my goal when I encounter the good with the bad!
As for Sammy, he is always sweet and good! I would choose him anytime...muddy or not!