Day 264
Gathering my many pictures of the pups in my life, I headed for an empty wall. We have quite the stairway going down to the basement in our home, so that is where my gallery ended up. Colonel Giddings (our resident ghost who turned the house and had the basement added in the 1920s) was heard to say that he wanted that stairway to be so tall he could wear his "plug hat" (top hat) when he descended!
As I was hanging up my puppy frames on the wall, I spent a moment taking in each sweet face. From Molly the sheltie all the way to our little Sammy, all have been loved and cherished. Looking into those precious eyes, I began to remember their VERY different personalities. Some were Alpha, others full of mischief and still others simply lived to please. All of them brought us unimaginable joy!
Hanging these pictures at the top of that long stairway, my mind began to compare those wondrous dogs, with their diverse personalities, to people in my life. I am blessed with so many wonderful friendships and family members...each with their own unique personality.
Some of my friends are leaders, while others are followers. A number wear their hearts on their sleeves while others are quite stoic. I have some friends who have a wonderful sense of humor and others who choose to be serious most of the time. Such a mix of wonderful personalities!
The contrasts are incredible, but then I looked deeper into why I have chosen to include these people in my life. In other words, what traits do they possess in common?
The answer to that question came fast and honestly. Each and every one of them has a kind heart.
Some of them share that heart with good deeds that are quite visible while others quietly make this world a better place. None of them simply sit back and ignore the needs of others. Like the many beloved dogs in my life, even though their personalities can be as different as night and day, these people all possess a kind heart.
If ever there is a choice, choose to be kind. You will never regret it.