Day 249


My entire life has been surrounded by literacy. From my own kindergarten classroom to my professor days, books have been front and center. Even before my time at Lincoln Elementary, I remember my dear father reading us to sleep every night. Stories are such a gift no matter the storyteller or the tale.

Today, Ranger and I had our weekly opportunity to read with first graders. The youngsters were all charming and excited to share their books with my big guy. Some were fluent, with amazing expression while others needed some support as they ventured through their book. Ranger and I embrace them all!

What is it about the written word that takes us outside ourselves...into other worlds? When I read, I actually transport to the setting and welcome the characters into my life (real AND fictional). I am forever grateful to my elementary teachers (Yes YOU Jan Johanson) who taught me to read which opened doors to any world I might choose to un'cover'. Teachers have always been heroes to me and, when I entered that profession, I still remained in awe of my colleagues!

Now, after years of sharing literacy education from kindergarteners to Masters students, I find a simple joy in listening to these young readers share their newfound delight in reading. We usually have a moment or two to talk about the stories they have shared and even the struggling readers delight in the discussion.

Thank you teachers!
Thank you authors!
Thank you illustrators!
Thank you editors!
Thank you publishers!

Together, we expand the universe and connect in a way that is beyond amazing!


Day 250


Day 248