Day 248
Lilly and I decided to take the car to Walker today due to the slippery sidewalks. My girl usually does better than I do on the ice, but then she does have three other posts to rely on!
We visited a few of our regulars and also a couple of new friends. Lilly is always on her best behavior and shares so much love with all the residents.
Our last stop was with our "harmonica friend." This is always a time for memories, reflection and love. We often hear the same stories, but they are always precious to hear again. Today, there was a new twist on an old story.
When sharing how he got his first harmonica, he recounted that his paper route took him by a store front where the owner would often be outside playing his harmonica. As the story progresses, he remembers when a package is offered and he accepts the gift.
The store owner tells him to take it home and just "play." That is where the tale often ends, but today he added a piece. He asked the store owner how he would learn? The older man replied, "I can tell you have music in your soul. It will just come to you." Our friend said it eventually did. He went on to say that he still has music in his soul and that it has always filled his life with so much joy! Then, looking in my direction, he added, "You just HAVE to follow your heart and soul! That is what you are put on earth to do."
Follow your heart indeed! I think he has a lot more than that music in his heart and soul! It is such an honor to know him and learn from his acquired wisdom. Lilly and I left with more love in our hearts today. I know I embraced what this 99-year-old man said about following your heart. I always try to do just that, but today I am more aware of what is in there.
It was a good day for humans and dogs alike. I am beyond grateful for these seniors in our lives who enrich our world and guide us with their knowledge.