Day 233


Watching the sky for the impending snowstorm, Ranger and I jumped into the Subaru and headed to Walker Senior Residence. When we arrived, there was not a snowflake in the air! When we left, it was really coming down!

Back in the car, we headed over to Mercy Hospital for our Tuesday rounds. Ranger ALWAYS wants to start in the Administration Offices because he knows there is a lot of love and a lot of treats. He was not disappointed! He becomes quite the ham and does every trick in his book. The most endearing is when he sits and gently puts his paw on an arm or in someone's hand. He is such a special boy!

There was one request for a patient visit and also one for the father of a nurse on staff. We honored both and had meaningful, caring visits in each room. So often, when we enter a patient's doorway, there is sadness, concern or pain written on the person's face. Always, when we leave, the dogs have eased those worry lines and smiles are evident.

What really struck me today was the reception from the nursing staff at the hospital. We were up on a few floors to see patients, but it was the staff who stopped us and interacted with Ranger. There were cries of, "It's Ranger!" or "The Therapy Dog is here!" On one floor, they did an all call to staff to announce Ranger's visit and the nurses came out of the woodwork!

As I observed, from the other end of the leash, I felt the stress these people were under. It showed on their faces and also in their need to pet, hug and simply look Ranger in the eyes.

There comments were humbling.

"I needed this today."
"Now, I can face the day."
"It wasn't a good day, but it is now."
"Thank you, Ranger, for making me happy."

There were countless offerings of gratitude and thanks for what we do. What WE do?!?

These nurses are not only doing their jobs pertaining to machines, medicines, orders and so much more. They are offering their patients hope, compassion and love. Thanking us for what WE do is simply proof of their humble, giving spirits. Selfless to the last staff member, these nurses (and other hospital staff) are the ones to be thanked!

I always thank them for what they do and Ranger...Ranger thanks them with those eyes that shine love right into their souls. That's how he helps them through their days. I am so very thankful that there are people, like nurses, who don't only work for their paycheck...they work to make the world a kinder, better place!


Day 234


Day 232