Day 213
Today was such an amazing hodge-podge of special moments! I was able to take Sweet Asher to preschool, walk dogs with Jimmy and visit my most special friends at Walker this morning. I smile remembering each memory.
When I arrived at Walker, my "Partner in Crime" was sent for to assist a dear friend in need. The usual Uber driver was not able to be on time and dialysis was scheduled for our guy. Mac drove the husband to his appointment while I stayed behind to help his sweet wife deal with a few challenges. They are both amazing people and it is a privilege to be there for them.
Going up to 4th floor, we were able to see the "friendliest friend" we know! This man Sonny (should be Sunny!) gets down on the floor to love up his Golden friends and brightens my day immeasurably!
Heading down to the dining room for a peek showed us that our next buddy was eating his breakfast! The amazing kitchen staff saw us, escorted our dear Don (harmonica) out to greet Ranger and even kept his eggs warm while we chatted!
A stop at Costco brought us right to one of the dearest people we know! Down by the books, of course, we encountered our friend and a reunion took place! That warmed our hearts more than words can express!
Dinner with family and then off to Lyric Arts for some John Denver music with another dear friend.
Now, finally home to be greeted by a whirlwind of gold...especially our youngest pup! Sam cries, circles and falls at our feet in an attempt to reunite with belly rubs and back scratches. There is no comparison to that wonderful Golden greeting and welcome home!
The picture of our little Sam shows a calm, sedate puppy waiting for some affection. (It is difficult to get a picture without a bit of a blur...that's our Sam...a bit of a blur!) The only time he bypasses love is when it is "tummy time." Then, he becomes a crazed maniac until every morsel is devoured out of his prong bowl (We had to switch to a metal bowl with blunt prongs so he would slow down and not choke!) I asked the veterinarian why he is so voracious and her suggestion was, "He was in a litter of 10 puppies. Mom never had enough room and the quickest, most tenacious pups got their food first."
Sam's lust for the food bowl made me think of some of the things I also go after in this life with "Gus"to. Of course, there were certain items during the pandemic that I "collected" in mass. Also, there are those pumpkin muffins at Perkins this time of year. I do admit to having a bit of an obsession with yarn and books, but I am working on that issue!
Seriously, I don't display Sam's voracious appetite for anything worldly. What I crave, and will hoard, is something that must come to me. I need love and loved ones around me. It is a "need," not a "want," and I can never have too much! I have a feeling that I am not alone in this desire that seems to be insatiable.
Lucky for me, unlike Sammy's race to the food dish, love is all around. I never ever take that for granted!