Day 208
Sometimes I underestimate the affection this boy gathers around him like snowflakes! Wherever he goes, people are drawn to him and often get right down at his level for some extra love!
On Tuesday, his gifts from 4 Heart are displayed on the dining room table and still being admired...what wonderful tokens of appreciation for the work he does with those heart patients and staff. He also made a stop in the administration suite that day. People came out of their offices to greet him and offer treats. Ryan, his favorite guy who is quite an important administrator at the hospital and beyond, was absent from his office. Ranger pawed at the door until a secretary opened it to show him his friend was not there. They did a photo shoot of his pathetic search around the room and sent pictures to Ryan during an important meeting. He sent us a message back saying his heart was broken to have missed him! Ranger makes a difference!
Today, we enjoyed our time at Oxbow reading with first graders. These talented, exuberant students never fail to entertain us and also pour love on Ranger...their avid and appreciative listener. When we enter and leave the school, my boy always puts his big "hobbit paws" up on the desk to connect with the office personnel. When we left this morning, the secretary handed him a toy as a thank you for brightening her days. Ranger loved it and carried it home with pride.
Seeing these interactions through my Therapy Dogs' eyes takes on an interesting perspective. They love the attention, but don't seem to realize their impact with each interaction. What a beautiful, giving spirit they have...and they don't even know it. No ulterior motives are ever involved in any way (well, maybe a treat enticement now and then). They seem to be living in the moment and enjoying every scratch, rub and kiss. Such pure hearts they have!
There's an old saying that says, "I want to be the person my dog thinks I am." My new take on that is, "I want to be the person I think my dog would be." Following in their pawprints is a lofty goal...but one can always try!