Day 186
These two are actually the best of friends! We had our doubts about Gus being a bit overzealous with his new baby brother, but they found their way through those murky waters.
They can be found snuggled in together, playing a raucous game of "tag" in the back yard or connected (like another appendage) to our bodies as they sleep and recharge...they wouldn't want us to escape without their knowledge.
I have been humbled in the last day or so by the amazing friends I have in my life. I have always been aware of the fact that my friends are such blessings. In the last couple of days, I have had the time to sit (With COVID that's about all you can do!) and really look deeply at those friendships with gratitude and love.
What really amazes me is these special people are so giving, selfless and caring! From a distance, I have witnessed many a "helping hand" dropping by (outside), connecting on phone and text and simply feeling the compassion flowing my way. I am truly a lucky girl!
As with Gus and Sam, friendship is a give and take. I have seen Gus let Sam win in a tug-of-war, offer him a bone to chew and allow that little bugger to chew his ears until they are raw. Sam idolizes his big brother and, for now, that seems to be enough for Gus.
For me, friendship is truly one of the biggest blessings in my life. Whether the bonds were forged at work, while volunteering or through serendipitous fate, these friends fill my life and heart beyond measure!
Looking up the definition of "friendship" was not fruitful in any way, so I decided I would create my own "Webster" entry:
The gift of love given freely between two or more people. Often evidenced in the acts of giving, caring, sharing and connecting. It warms the heart and soul and creates happiness for the giver and recipient.
Used in a sentence: The "friendships" in my life are part of my heart and are life-giving.
Thank goodness for friends...just ask my pups!!!