Day 146


Tonight is Anoka's 83rd Pumpkin Bowl! Even though it seems early, this special game has always been scheduled for the last home game of the season. I couldn't help "walking" down Memory Lane as I "walked" my Goldens along the football field.

I was in the Anoka Marching Tornadoes back in the 1970's. It was an amazing group of talented musicians and simply great kids! We learned a different halftime show for each home game and marched in the Halloween Parades. Back then, there were no field competitions, so we just performed to entertain the crowds.

When I was quite small, the Halloween Parade came down Main Street and turned on 3rd Avenue. It would go south and end up at Goodrich Field where it would proceed around the track for the Pumpkin Bowl crowd.

We would sit on the curb on 3rd and marvel at the floats and bands. As children, our neighborhood thought the parade was just for us! What a magical, innocent time!

As I walked Gus down by the field, followed by Ranger and Lilly, I couldn't help but compare the differences between "the old days" and present times. Tonight, the speakers blared Halloween music, the lights were amazingly bright and the artificial turf had not a blemish! In the end zone, there was an immense letter A inflatable with a smoke machine billowing fog in front of the letter. The hype built to a crescendo with music, cheering, drum line and cheerleaders when, eventually, the entire team ran through the legs of the "A" and streamed onto the field with incredible, theatrical timing! I was impressed!

Lilly and Ranger weren't too keen on the noise, but they did attempt to greet each fan as they hurried towards the stadium. Gus followed suit, but was less than impressed by the cacophony!

Now, they are playing "The Adams Family," "Thriller" and the theme from James Bond, along with other songs! Next, the Tornado Twisters dance line is high-kicking for the crowd during half time before the band takes the field. They are also distributing Anoka Halloween towels. Mac went down to get one because...well, we ARE from Anoka, The Halloween Capital of the World, don'cha know! I am impressed!

Lilly, Ranger, Gus and I made it home safely. The temperature is 40 degrees and dropping. (Although, the announcer always welcomes the crowd by saying "It's a balmy 72 degrees!") Our little group had to weave in and out of The Ghost Tour planted in front of our house, but we managed. All the pups are snuggled in with Sam watching the game on QCTV, where they even have replays! There are certainly some perks in the year 2022!

How times have changed. I wouldn't trade my memories the Pumpkin Bowl for anything, but I do love the glitz and glamour I see now! I am heading down to join the crew! Go Anoka Tornadoes!!!!!


Day 147


Day 145