Day 145
Today, I truly felt like autumn had arrived! There were a few tardy robins hopping about, flocks of geese flying south and leaves...beautiful leaves everywhere!
Gus and I had a lovely, quiet walk this morning. We did not run into one single person. I did notice, however, that the squirrels were frantically running around with treasures to bury in a safe place. As we watched, Gus ran over to "greet" one of the furry friends and came back with a tennis ball in his "guzzler." I let him keep it for the remainder of the journey since I knew WORSE things could be gathered there!
Arriving home after the walks, it was time for some Therapy Dogging. Ranger and I were excited to return to our cozy little reading spot at Oxbow Elementary today. Kathy, an amazing teacher (and I should know, after 34 years in the classroom), has created a little reading nook under a stairway complete with bench, rugs, books and anything else you might need! The kids come to us and Ranger listens with rapt attention as stories are shared and friends are made. The students love this big dog and he is the safest of judgment, only a wag of the tail.
Returning home, we found Mr. Mac out edging the sidewalk in front of the house. I quickly grabbed the closest shovel I could reach and headed out to gather the grass that had been cut away. It gave me time to think about the season.
I do love fall! The leaves are splendid as their natural colors emerge, the air is crisp and fresh and it is time to begin the yearly ritual of preparing the yard and house for winter. Hoses, plants, sprinkling systems, outdoor furniture...the list goes on...need to be dealt with. It is also a time to let the inner-child emerge when Halloween, pumpkin patches, bonfires, leaf pile jumping and cozy jackets are on the schedule. It is also a time when apple orchards, soups and comfort foods abound!
I came back to reality as I finished shoveling the last bits of edgings into the bin. Looking down, I realized I had been using a snow shovel! I am so glad that I was shoveling leaves and grass instead of SNOW! Oh well, I love the winter season as well...but not yet!!!