Day 111


As I took my walks today, I marveled at the beautiful green of nature. It will soon unveil its true colors and I will embrace those autumn hues as well. Each day and season has its own gifts to offer.

Watching Gus, Mac and Asher interact on the second walk today brought a smile to my face and heart. Those three are quite the trio! I laughed out loud when Asher said,

"Hey Papa! You know that apple juice I had this morning? It's getting kinda old. Since YOU are old, I think you should drink the old apple juice."

He was so serious!

I also pondered the relationships surrounding me and beyond. We tend to form strong bonds with groups of people. Family would be the first one that came to mind. Protective, nurturing and loving are all part of that group. Watching Mac hold Asher's hand on the dock, making sure there was hand-holding as we crossed the street and the awareness of safety and kindness that was ever-present warmed my heart.

Now, there are other groups that hold the same love and devotion in my heart. My friends are like family. Neighbors are precious. Even past students are treasured. They all matter and I nurture and am fed by their love.

Last night, Mac and I were at a meeting about the Ghost Tour in Anoka. One of the members present touched a chord in my "heart memory" moments before I realized she had been one of my first graders YEARS ago! After the meeting, I approached her and without words, we just embraced and marveled at the meeting.

Today, I received a wedding invitation from a former student. I attended her brother's wedding and also the ceremony where he became a pastor. What a joy that family has been to me.

When Mac and I went on our first honeymoon, it was to Walt Disney World (the second was to Maui) and we were joined by two of my students and their families on a few adventures during our stay. I love those families as if they were my own. Treasured friends.

Our "groups," "tribe," "families" or other relationships that honor the people (and dogs) within the fold are precious. What would we do without those surrounding us with that support? I am glad we will never be without those outstretched arms!

PS Yet another beloved friend, "Tom the Handyman," made us a Little Library. Stop by for a don't even need to leave one! We have plenty!


Day 112


Day 110