Day 103


Trust. It can be a rock, an anchor or one of the key factors in any relationship. It can also be devastating if that trust is broken.

These three goldens have come a long way on the road to complete trust. Lilly and Ranger have always had faith in each other since they have never been apart since birth. Gus, on the other hand (or paw) had to earn their trust. In the doggy world, that simply takes time. There can be a mistake here or there, but pups tend to work out the pecking order and accept their place in the lineup. The trust builds and all accept their role in the pack. Once it is established, it seems to be a permanent fixture in their relationship.

Humans don't follow the same rules. Once a trust is broken in a relationship, it is never an easy path back to having faith in that person once again. Everyone has had a brush with losing confidence in a relationship with family, friends or colleagues. It is never pleasant, but we live and learn...either choosing to move forward to regain that trust or sever ties. Both roads can help us grow.

These dogs not only have trust in each other, but they have an unwavering trust for their people. I put that collar and leash on and they simply have faith in every decision I make for both of us. They never look at me as if to say, "I think she is up to no good!"

On the positive side, I am surrounded by people I trust. There are a few that have NEVER let me down and would be there for me no matter what. What a gift they are!

Trusting others seems to be a natural instinct for me. Until I know otherwise, I believe the people around me are honest and trustworthy. Only a couple times in my life have I had to sever ties to move forward. I am a lucky girl on that front.

Now, being trustworthy of those around me seems easy, but it takes compassion, empathy and commitment. When others need me and count on my support and honesty, I know I need to step right up. Trust is a gift you give to those in your "pack" which is returned over and over in the form of amazing friendships and wonderful family members.

My dogs certainly know how to trust unconditionally. I need to learn from them and never fail in my quest to be trustworthy to people in my "pack." I really do "want to be the person my dog thinks I am!"


Day 104


Day 102