Day 1024

The plows were out early this morning. I waited for Gus to react and soon I heard his pathetic, whisper bark. It almost seems like he is hesitant to awaken his humans, but fear won out! I went to his kennel, opened the door and he immediately jumped on our bed and snuggled in. He knew he was safe.

Feeling safe is so critical to our well-being. If fear is in control, our minds and bodies react in a “fight or flight” mode. When something frightens me, I tend to prepare for the ‘worse case scenario’. Perhaps that is how humans tend to survive.

Having feelings created by fear is not something I want to embrace. Home alone with the pups the other day, there was a loud crashing sound from within the house. Freezing to listen for more of the same sounds, I paused with my Goldens surrounding me. Upon investigation, the vacuum had tipped over in the closet making an inordinate amount of noise! (Perhaps Colonel Giddings was suggesting the floor could use a bit of cleaning?)The Goldens calmed down as soon as they knew I was there for them.

After all, isn’t that the best antidote to fear? Having a safe person beside you to face the danger with you makes most everything less scary. Having those “rocks” to support us is a true gift indeed. Being that rock for others is an honor at the very least. If you asked my Goldens, they would agree!


Day 1025


Day 1023